Support and serve our Local Partners! See the info below or email Macey Duncan at mduncan@newsongnashville.com.

The Bridge Ministry exists to alleviate the suffering of underprivileged children, the homeless, and the working poor by providing life-sustaining resources and a message of hope. Though the Tuesday evening church service under the Jefferson Street bridge looks very different now, it is smaller with very few families, there are new opportunities to go to where these folks stay. www.thebridgenashville.org
Serving Opportunities
1) Packing Fuel Bags
57 schools receive food bags, and volunteers are needed to help with packing these bags on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 10am - 12pm or 1-3pm at the Bridge Warehouse.
3) Delivering Fuel Bags
Volunteers are needed to deliver fuel bags to schools on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays (depending on the school). It takes 2-3 hours each of these days and is a semester commitment.
4) Wednesday Distribution
Volunteers are needed for a weekly food delivery to an apartment complex.