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N E W   S O N G   K I D S


What ages do you serve?


New Song Kids serves kids ages infants (6 weeks and older) through 6th grade. We identify ages as listed below:


  • Infants – Kids ages 6-weeks through the age they are toddling and beginning to walk

  • Toddlers – Kids who are beginning to be steady on their feet and walk until two years old

  • Twos – Kids who have turned two up through the age they are potty trained

  • Preschool – Kids ages 3-years old (who are potty trained) through Kindergarten

  • Elementary – Kids ages 1st grade through 6th grade


Special Note:

Elementary aged kids are signed in at New Song Kids at the beginning of service but then join their families for praise and worship in the Sunday Gathering. Elementary aged kids are then prayed for and dismissed to Kids Ministry after praise and worship where team members ensure they arrive at New Song Kids safely. Elementary aged kids are then signed out by parents at New Song Kids at the close of the service.

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